2013 - 2014 Program Calendar - Somerset County Photography Club2nd & 4th Tues 7:00 PM at the Bound Brook Memorial Library
website: http://somersetcountyphotoclub.99k.org/index.htm
Contact: David McRitchie, 732-469-8481, dmcritchie @ verizon . netSEPTEMBER, 2013
10: Show and Tell: 12-20 samples of recent work
(Please get your projected images submitted well before the meeting date, you need
to be entered into the system before you can submit images to the server.)
24: Presentation: "Bird Photography" by Phil WittOCTOBER, 2013
08: Competitions: Signs & Signage, and Open, Judge: Phil Echo
22: Presentation: "Judging Photos", by Arik GorbanNOVEMBER, 2013
12: Competitions: Pre-40s Urban, and Open, Judge: Nancy Ori
26: Presentation: "Black and White Photography", by Nick PalmieriDECEMBER, 2013
10: Competitions: Latches, Handles & Hinges, and Open
24: No Meeting - Happy Holidays!JANUARY, 2014
14: Competitions: Weather, and Open
28: Presentation: "Architecture", by Anthony BianciellaFEBRUARY, 2014
11: Competitions: Black & White, and Open
25: Presentation: "Portait Photography", by John SandstedtMARCH, 2014
11: Hosting NJFCC competition "Tops in New Jersey"
25: Presentation: "Macro Photography", by Brien Szabo![]()
APRIL, 2014
08: Competitions: Nature, and Open
22: Print Competitions: Black&White/Mono, and OpenMAY, 2014
13: Competitions: Macro, and Open,
27: Presentation: (TBA) by Mike PetersJUNE, 2014
10: End of Year Competition -- Digital Images
24: Planning Meeting for 2014-2015 Season;