SCPC Scavenger Hunt 2021


Locations and Subjects

Each two-person team needs to photography all 8 subjects. Four pictures from each team member must be submitted. Post processing can be done by either or both team members.

In order to make your pictures unique, consider unique light, weather, vantage point, perspective, post processing, or any other creative ideas.

  1. Somerset County court House in Somerville
  2. Main street in Somerville in the blue hour or later
  3. Hotel Somerset in Somerville
  4. Light trails in the Somerville Circle
  5. Magnolia flower(s) or tree in bloom (in April)
  6. On the Unpaved Trail (along the small canal) – Duke Island Park
  7. Tree in Colonial Park
  8. COVID-19 Impact – a person with a mask, outdoor dining, signs, etc.