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Assigned Topics for 2006 - 2007 (dates and order to come later)
- Fruits & Vegetables
- Abstract in Nature – must not show hand of man [by text] [by tags]
- Geometric Shapes – [spheres] [spheres marbles] [circles] [squares] [geometric shapes]
- People in their Environment
- Night Photography – [night] [neon]
- Bridges
- TBA assigned topic chosen during year
- Pictures taken within the Somerset County Court Square
A word of caution on the links: They are strictly keyword type of searches. Selections may not match the topic, but can give you some further insight into what you can do when they do actually match the topic.
To help with your planning the following meeting dates have been approved by the library and the room is reserved from 7:30 - 10 PM on the following dates:for 2006 (2nd & 4th Tue) 9/12, 9/26, 10/10, 10/24, Monday 11/13, 12/12.
for 2007 (2nd Wed & 4th Tue) 1/10, 1/23, 2/14, 2/27, 3/14, 3/27, 4/11, 4/24, 5/9, 5/22, 6/13, 6/26.
Somerset County Photography Club
Meetings are held at the Somerset County Library in Bridgewater 2nd and 4th Tuesdays (except when conflicts occur with library programs) at the Somerset County Library in Bridgewater, NJ. Exceptions to meeting schedule are noted in the program below. This HTML version of the program is more current than the printed Adobe Acrobat (.PDF) version. Email notifications are the most current.
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The Somerset County Photography Club is a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting the appreciation and enjoyment of photography. Our programs include slide and print competitions (Advanced and Beginner classes) by a judge, instructional and travelogue shows by outside presenters, and special programs. Prints should be at least 8x10 (though smaller print sizes 4x6 or 5x7 are permitted). On occasion, the club also exhibits its work in local libraries and other venues.
Annuals dues are $30 payable to Somerset County Photography Club see our Treasurer George Hall.
Our club is affiliated with the New Jersey Federation of Camera Clubs (NJFCC), which maintains a list of member clubs in New Jersey and a few clubs close to NJ in Staten Island and PA.
Most of our membership is in Somerset and Hunterdon Counties and nearby areas of Middlesex County.
The club meets on the second and fourth Tuesday of every month, September through May, at the Somerset County Library in Bridgewater, NJ. An annual Slide-of-the Year Competition is held the second Tuesday in June. Meetings begin at 8 P.M. (Competition slides should be submitted by 7:45).
Guests and visitors are welcome. For further information, contact David McRitchie at (732) 469-8481 (additional contact information)
Not getting your club email: Try emailing yourself to see if it gets through, maybe your mailbox is full, maybe you gave us your old email address (or meant .net insted of .com). If you change your email, or other contact information don't forget to tell us.
President: David McRitchie First Vice President: Alex Cabanilla (Presentations) — Continuing until September 2005 Second Vice President: John Considine (Judges) Treasurer: George Hall (also NJFCC Delegate)
First meeting of the 2005-2006 year:The first meeting Tue Sept 13th, 2005 will be Show & Tell. Bring your Summer vacation slides or anything you want to have shown.
Tue Sept 13 Open House: Members should bring samples of their vacation pictures for showing
(not a competition so will go quicker bring about 8 to 20 slides any number of pictures)Known exceptions to the 2nd Tue, 4th Tue meeting dates are
Mon Nov 1 instead of Tue Nov 8 due to elections
November and December no 4th Tues meetings close to Holiday
(weather closing may occur and library may preempt a Jan-Jun date, since the Library runs a calendar year)Competitions: Up to four slides may be entered in each competition. If there are too few entries for separate Advanced and Beginner competitions, the two will be combined. A small-print competition also will be held on competition nights, if a sufficient number of entries. All prints must be at least 5”x7” in size; digital prints welcome. Judges will include both outside judges and club members, and will be announced before each competition.
Slide competitions: 3 makers in a category (Advanced, Beginner) for a competition otherwise slides will be all in group A if there are three makers total.
Print competition: will occur at every competition regardless of number of makers, points only will be awarded if less than 3 makers, so they can be entered in year end.
During the 2005-2006 club year:
There will be six Open competitions, and one Nature competitionThe assigned topics have been chosen, they will occur in the following order subject to printing of Program:
Reflections (member judge)
Macro (Close-up)
Doors/windows/Door knobs/Doorways
Part(s) of a whole
Water (any form)
Night Photography
Photo essay (of up to 5 slides to be judged as a group
13: Open House: Each member should bring samples of his/her vacation slides for showing
27: Presentation: “Bolivia: A Jewel of the Andes” by Felino NebiarOCTOBER, 2005
11: Competitions: Open and Landscapes/Seascapes, Judge: Klaus-Dieter Schleim
25: Presentation: “Nature Photography and the Digital Darkroom” by Doug GoodellNOVEMBER, 2005
01: (First Tuesday) Competitions: Open and Reflections, Judge: Doug Slobodien
22: No Meeting - Happy Thanksgiving!DECEMBER, 2005
13: Competitions: Open and Macro Photography, Judge: Ben Venezio
27: No Meeting - Happy Holiday!JANUARY, 2006
10: Competitions: Open and Doors/Windows, Judge: Joe Thomas
24: Member Critique Night: Ideas for Improving Your Slides/Prints and Their PresentationFEBRUARY, 2006
14: Competitions: Open and Part(s) of a Whole, Judge: Marian Boyer
28: Presentation: “Kenya” by Vinnie KempfMARCH, 2006
14: Competitions: Water (any form) and Patterns, Judge: Chuck Moore
28: Presentation: “Desert Dreams” by Ben VenezioAPRIL, 2006
11: Competitions: Nature and Night Photography (Room C, instead of A), Judge: Marie Kane
25: Presentation: “Using Photoshop Elements 3 for Advanced Results” by Tom IcklanMAY, 2006
09: Competitions: Open and Photo Essay (a story or sequence of up to five images); Judge: Heinz Otto
23: Presentation: “Simple Techniques for Photoshop CS2” by Tom Icklan.JUNE, 2006
13: Slide/Print-of-the-Year Competitions, judges: Vinnie Kempf and Nancy OriSlides eligible for year-end competition are in the following location (paste url into your browser)
27: Planning Meeting for 2006-07 Season; all members welcomeWe do not meet in July and August during the Summer
Additional confirmed meeting dates to end of calendar year 2005: (2nd & 4th Tues, Conf. Room A)
9/12/2006, 9/26/2006, 10/10/2006, 10/24/2006, (Mon) 11/13/2006, and 12/12/2006
No second Tues for Nov and Dec holidays.
The Library has a Library Calendar available online (one more thing to check).
Open Competition: Pictorial no restrictions.
Nature Competition must not show the hand of man, no man made trails, roads, structures, power lines, cultivated plants. No people, no domesticated animals.,.
Assigned Topics: subject must fit the assigned topic, please don't make the club or the judge disqualify your entries.
Member Nights: Even less formal than our other informal meetings, as always members, guests, and walk-ins welcome
Somerset County Photo Club
c/o David McRitchie
410 West Maple Avenue
Bound Brook, NJ 08805-1209website: http://www.geocities.com/somersetcountyphotoclub
Phone: (732) 469-8481 email: send email
If you are not getting email, try emailing yourself to see if it gets through. If you change your email, or other contact information we have no way of contacting you.
The Somerset County Library has occasionally closed due to weather conditions. Such decisions have in my experience always been made in the afternoon (before 3 PM) compatible with businesses in the area. Although the library tries to notify a member of the club this is not always successful. If in doubt call the main number at the library, if the library is closing early the recorded announcement would be changed.
Somerset County Library
1 Vogt Drive
Bridgewater, NJ 08807
(908) 526-4016The address and phone number of the Library are included above only for directions and to check during inclement weather that the library is open. For Club Inquiries please use our Contact Information two topics earlier.
Google Local Map (use 1,000 ft scale, Satellite and Hybrid view also available)
Yahoo! Maps Google Maps MapQuest (alt view) – Normally you can Google a phone number to get a map, but that does not work in this case as the library has a phone number with multiple addresses with different towns and with cross street addressing in the phone book. Each map would have sent you to a different location. The library is in Bridgewater near the Bridgewater Commons (Shopping Center).
From the North: Route 287 South to Exit 17 (Routes 202/206 South, Somerville/Princeton), follow ½ mile to Commons Way/Garretson Road exit (Bridgewater Commons Mall). Left at exit ramp light onto Commons Way. Left at third traffic light onto Prince Rodgers Ave., follow ½ mile to traffic light at intersection of North Bridge St. Straight through intersection onto Vogt Dr., library on right.
From the East: Route 287 North to Route 22 West (left lane exit). Follow 22 West for 1 ½ miles to first overpass. Just before overpass, take exit for North Bridge St. Bear right at stop sign onto North Bridge St., proceed ½ mile to traffic light at intersection of Vogt Dr. Right on Vogt Dr., library on right.
From the South: Route 206 North to Somerville Traffic Circle. Follow Routes 202/206 North to Commons Way exit (Bridgewater Commons Mall). Right at exit ramp light onto Commons Way. Left at second traffic light onto Prince Rodgers Ave., follow ½ mile to traffic light at intersection of North Bridge St. Straight through intersection onto Vogt Dr., library on right.
From the West on Route 202: Route 202 North to Somerville Traffic Circle. Follow Routes 202/206 North to Commons Way exit (Bridgewater Commons Mall). Right at exit ramp light onto Commons Way. Left at second traffic light onto Prince Rodgers Ave., follow ½ mile to traffic light at intersection of North Bridge St. Straight through intersection onto Vogt Dr., library on right.
From the West on Route 22: Route 22 East to Grove St. exit. Bear right and proceed over overpass. Right at stop sign onto North Bridge St., follow ½ mile to first traffic light. Right onto Vogt Dr., library on right.
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The information on this page will be more up-to-date than the printed Club Brouchure and it's matched PDF version.Our club program for 2005-2006 in Adobe PDF file format can be found at http://www.geocities.com/somersetcountyphotoclub/program2005.pdf
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