2012 - 2013 Program Calendar - Somerset County Photography Club2nd & 4th Tues 7:00 PM at the Bound Brook Memorial Library
website: http://somersetcountyphotoclub.99k.org/index.htm
Contact: David McRitchie, 732-469-8481, dmcritchie @ verizon . netSEPTEMBER, 2012
11: Show and Tell: 12-20 samples of recent work
25: Presentation: "Introduction to Digital Editing" by Phil WittOCTOBER, 2012
09: Competitions: Portraits, and Open, Judge: Klaus-Dieter Schleim
23: Presentation: "Unique Approach to Shooting in New Jersey" by Larry ZinkNOVEMBER, 2012
13: Competitions: Macro, and Open, Judge: Nancy Ori
27: Presentation: "Painting with Light ", by Arik GorbanDECEMBER, 2012
11: Competitions: High-key or Low-Key in B&W/Mono, and Open, Judge: Phil Echo
25: No Meeting - Happy Holidays!JANUARY, 2013
08: Competitions: Back Lighting, and Open, Judge: David Mills
22: Print Competition(s): Open and possibly a second print competitionFEBRUARY, 2013
12: Competitions: Painting with Light, and Open, Judge: Arik Gorban
26: Presentation: "Real People, Real Life", by Mike PetersMARCH, 2013
12: Competitions: Still Life, and Open, Judge: Be Venezio Ben Venezio
26: Presentation: "Shooting the Story of your Trip" by Anthony BianciellaAPRIL, 2013
09: Competitions: Nature, and Open, Judge: Marie Kane
23: Presentation: "The Secret to Spectacular Black & White Conversions" by Bart Zoni![]()
MAY, 2013
01: Competitions: "Somerset County", and Open (1st Tues)
28: Presentation: "Self Assignments-Challenging yourself to be a better photographer " by Brien SzaboJUNE, 2013
11: End of Year Competition -- Digital Images;
25: Planning Meeting for 2013-2014 Season; all members welcome