Somerset County Photography Club

About the Club
About Us
Program Calendar
On-site pages
     Contest Results
     (Contest Results)
     Club Gallery
     Slide Show

Off-site pages
Facebook Group
Use Menus across top
for additional links
[*SCPC banner*]
Continuing with 2024-2025 most meetings will be online using Zoom.  Meetings marked hybrid will be in the Manville Library and on Zoom. The limit on image submissions is 1600 on the long side instead of 768.  Sudhir sends out invitations to club members, if you want to attend and didn't get an invitation contact Sudhir.  We are using ZOOM which allows up to 100 members in Free and first tier of paid.  You can use Zoom for your own meetings with family and friends or work.  To host a meeting you must have installed Zoom.  With more than two people you are limited to 40 minutes in the free version of Zoom, which is why the club has a paid account.  My own notes on setting up and hosting a Zoom session are in Zoom Meetings, Getting Started.  SCPC online meetings are open 15 minutes before start to allow everyone to get signed in and be able to talk to others before meeting.

2024-2025 Program Calendar  (#calendar)

2024 - 2025 Program Calendar - Somerset County Photography Club
2nd & 4th Tues 7:00 PM online only except for those marked as hybrid and meet in the Manville Public Library and are on Zoom,
  100 South 10th Ave. (Washington Ave & S 10th Ave), Manville NJ, 08835
Contact:  Sudhir Mehta, 908-421-4271, sudhirm421 @ gmail . com
Meetings are Zoom.  To attend Zoom meetings you will need an invitation from Sudhir whether on club zoom or on a speaker's site, see contact above, and coronavirus information at the top.

10:  Presentations: “Before and After” by club members
24:  Competitions:  “Wildlife” and “Open”, Judge:  Phil Witt

08:  Competitions:  “Actions” and “Open”, Judge: David Unger *bio/contact*
22:  Competitions:  “Black & White” and “Open”, Judge: Becky Witt

12:  Presentaton:  “33 Hacks for Good Photography“, by Butch Mazzuca *bio/contact*
26:  Presentation:  “Bridging Creative and Technical Aspects of photography“, by Nick Palmieri

10:  Competitions:  “Bridges” and “Open”, Judge:  Mary Fettes ***bio*contact**
24:  Holidays (no meeting)

14:  Competitions:  “Street Scene” and “Open”, Judge Arik Gorban
28:  Presentation:  “Intentional Camera Movement”, by Arik Gorban

11:  Competitions:  “Seascapes” and “Open”, Judge: Nick Palmieri
25:  TBA***

MARCH, 2025
11:  TBA***
25:  Competition:  “Curve” and “Open”, Judge:  Judges:  Beth Starr

APRIL, 2025
08:    Presentation: “Photogrphing Lighthouses” and “Open” by Chris Nichoson
22:  TBA**

MAY, 2025
13:  Competitions: “Landscape” and “Open” Judge: Robert Zurfluh
27  TBA***

JUNE, 2025
10:  TBA***
24:  Planning Meeting, 2025-2026 (All Members Welcome)

About the Club  (#aboutclub)

When we go back to normal meetings::::
Our meeting start at start at 7:00PM on the 2nd & 4th Tuesday evenings.  Please feel free to join meetings around 6:45PM for informal socializng before the meeting. [Street Map] [Manville area]

During the coronavirus, no meetings are being held at the Manville Library, our meetings are being held online, and will continue to be so as long as needed to protect our members, guests, friends, and families.

All of our competitions are projected digital image contests, with three digital images per maker per contest submitted up to and including the day before our meeting. 

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About Us  (#aboutus)

The Somerset County Photography Club is a non-profit organization (not tax exempt)12:24 PM 2023-10-11 dedicated to promoting the appreciation and enjoyment of photography.  Competitions and critiques are with projected digital images (during the pandemic all competitions and presentions are conducted on Zoom.)  Presentations include instructional meetings, travelogues and other shows by the club and outside speakers. 

Annual dues are $45 (or $55 family membership).

You can pay via PayPal (to
or check (payable to Steve Newfield) by mail or through Bill Pay at your bank and include SCPC dues in the memo area.
Steve Newfield, 908-369-8896,
72 Beechwood Circle, Hillsborough, NJ 08844

Our club is affiliated with the New Jersey Federation of Camera Clubs (NJFCC) [meetup], which maintains a list of member clubs in New Jersey and a few clubs close to NJ in Staten Island and PA.

Most of our membership is in Somerset and Hunterdon Counties and nearby areas of Middlesex County.

Meetings  (#meetings)

The club meets on the second and fourth Tuesday of every month, September through June, currently online only until we resume at the Manville Public Library in Manville, NJ.  -- Guests and visitors are welcome:
Presentations and Competitions are open to the public, only members may submit images for competitions and critiques.  Guests are encouraged to attennd come in at least 15 minutes before 7:00 P.M. to discuss photography with members – for physical meetings bringing in some of your pictures adds interest. 

Meetings begin promptly at 7:00 P.M. -- (Digital projected media must be submitted online on or before the day prior to the competition.  We must leave by 9:00 PM.

Not getting your club email:  Try emailing yourself to see if it gets through, maybe your mailbox is full, maybe you changed your ISP, maybe you gave us your old email address (or meant .net instead of .com).  If you change your email, or other contact information don't forget to tell us.

Officers & Board of Directors  (#officers)

  President:Sudhir Mehta
  Vice President:Steve Newfield 
  Treasurer:Steve Newfield  
  Board positions: Officers (above) and
Past Presidents:  Arik Gorban, David McRitchie
Members at large:  Becky Witt, Claire Gentile, Fred Dewitt
  Appointed or Delegated:
  NJFCC Delegate:Becky Witt
  Chairpersons:Judges: Pien Nagy, and Presentations: Sudhir Mehta
  PhotoContest Pro:Administrators: Fred Dewitt and David McRitchie
  Web Master:David McRitchie

SCPC -- 2023-2024 Overview  (#overview)

Competition nights:  During the 2023-2024 club year:
There will be Eight club competition nights which will each have an Assigned Topic for digital project images and an Open competition for digital projected images.  (year end competition has been eliminated); the scavenger hunt images continues to replace the year-end competition.

Preparation of digital images for contests.  Images will be projected at Currently 1600 pixels instead of 768 pixels on the long side as described at, and it would be best to do your own resizing even though the software will do some limited resizing.  Directions on that web page tell you how to resize and submit your digital images for projection.

Deadline for projected images:  Try to at least aim for the Sunday before the contest, images will be accepted the day before the contest but not later.  The limit is three images per contest.  Show and Tell and critiques will allow additional images. 

Your email address must have been entered into the contest server by an administrator for your images to be accepted on the server.  If you have never submitted digital images before, be sure to submit them well ahead of time to be sure that you have been set up properly.  (see our contests page)

Judge(s) may be an outside judge or a club member, and will be announced before each competition. 

Hidden Features  (#hidden)

The menus at the top may be difficult to use on mobile devices (small screens), so there is a menu button () at the top left corner of this page to expand the menus by turning off CSS formatting.

To print this Program make a selection using left+drag, Ctrl+drag, then extend to a second point with Ctrl+shift.  Mozilla browsers allow non-contiguous selection areas.  Then click on this (bookmarklet) link to view in a separate tab → view selection

You can see Titles on links that have titles by clicking on paren tips also available via the menu () at the top: Misc > Bookmarklets > Parentips (titles)
You can see Urls of links by clicking on href: (links visible).  You can drag bookmarklets to your bookmarks to use on other pages. If interested in more bookmarklets contact David McRitchie.

Contact Information  (#contact)

Somerset County Photography Club
c/o Sudhir Mehta, President
177 Victoria Drive
Bridgewater, NJ 08807


Phone:  (908) 421-4271 email: send email to Sudhir

For webpage and contest entry related matters contact David McRitchie, Phone:  732-595-8098, send email to David

The email link above will only work if JavaScript is turned on.  You have JavaScript turned off, which will affect mailto:, and any bookmarklets you may attempt to use.

With JavaScript off, type this address into your email --> (electronic mail, address must be typed not copied into email)

Not getting your club email:  Try emailing yourself to see if it gets through, maybe your mailbox is full, maybe you changed your ISP, maybe you gave us your old email address (or meant .net instead of .com).  If you change your email, or other contact information don't forget to tell us.

Library closings due to Weather or other Causes  (#weather)

The Manville Public Library may close due to weather conditions.  Such decisions are usually made before 3 PM, compatible with businesses in the area.  Although the library will try to notify a member of the club this may not always be successful.  If in doubt check the Somerset County Library System main page, if branches are closed there will be an extra banner at the top of the page.  Specific information about Manville Library (circulation desk is 908-458-8425, 3#).

Directions to Our Meeting Place at the ...  (#directions)

Manville Public Library (wait for listings to appear under View branches and hours in ADA and screen reader compliant format)
100 South 10th Ave.(corner of Washington Ave and S 10th Ave)
Manville NJ, 08835
(908) 722-9722
 During pandemic our meetings are on Zoom, not at the library, see contact information 
[Street Map] [Manville area]     Maps are dragable:  Click and hold on an open area of map and drag to change the centering, use mouse wheel to zoom in or out.

From the North on Route 287: (Exit #17, Somerville, Route 206)
US 206 South, then Dukes Pkwy E and N 13th Ave, to S 10th Ave
Parking is in the library Parking Lot.

The meeting room is straight in from the entrance past the library area the meeting room is on the right, and Restrooms are on the left.

Your local library generally has library sponsored programs of interest, our club meets at the Manville Library and they have programs which may be of interest Manville Public Library | Manville Borough, NJ - Official Website and for all Libraries in the Somerset County Library system see Events - Somerset County Library System of New Jersey

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Contact Information  (#cntct2)

Our club site was moved and is now hosted free and without any ads by services provided by friends at